
iPECS insights – 2023 Summary

Dec 18th, 2023

At Ericsson-LG Enterprise, we are always striving to share important information with our community of global partners. As in-person events are still largely inaccessible for many of our partners, we created the iPECS insights series of webinars to stay connected.

These monthly presentations help us to share the latest information with our partners in an interactive and inspirational way. iPECS Insights began in 2020 and we have hosted webinars throughout 2023. We take a look at highlights of these fantastic presentations from 2023.


1st half (April- July)

Total four webinars was held during the 1st half of 2023. Please read the summary of April to July webinar.



September’s webinar was about the remarkable success that our South African partner, Aria Technologies Africa (ATA), has found in promoting iPECS Cloud. Their story shows that even in countries with developing broadband infrastructure, the cloud revolution is possible.

The primary learning from September’s session was that the cloud revolution is possible anywhere.

Read the full September webinar overview.



October’s webinar was led by Hangsuk Cho and covered iPECS Unified updates focusing on iPECS Unified 6.1 and iPECS Unified 6.1+, iPECS IPCR 3.4, iPECS CCX 1.2 and IP DECT 120dh updates.

Hangsuk began the session by concentrating on the new features of iPECS Unified 6.1 and 6.1+. iPECS Unified 6.1, available since Q1, 2023, has an array of new features available.

Read the full October webinar overview.



November’s webinar was hosted by Liam Tracey, CEO of our Irish partner GoldStar Telecom. His focus was on a journey that many global partners are on – how to move from a hardware-based business model to a service-led model based on monthly recurring revenue. 

In his introduction, he made the important point that all markets are different, and partners have to adapt to user preference as well as infrastructure constraints and cost in their territories. The secret to GoldStar’s success has been in providing iPECS vUCP. Liam’s presentation was all about how the business made this work.

Read the full November webinar overview.


We would like to wish you all a happy holidays and look forward to seeing you at the next iPECS insights in 2024.

iPECS insights – 2023 Summary