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No Title Category Date View more
128 iPECS ONE introduction video Multimedia 2021.07.08
127 iPECS Cloud Brochure Brochure / Datasheet 2021.05.31
126 iPECS ONE Datasheet Brochure / Datasheet 2021.04.30
125 1080i quick installation guide Phone Manual 2021.02.24
124 1048idss quick installation guide Phone Manual 2021.02.24
123 iPECS IPCR Datasheet Brochure / Datasheet 2021.02.18
122 [Corporate] iPECS UCM solution – Chongging BOE Display Technologies, China Case Study 2021.01.21
121 [Apartment] iPECS UCP solution – Mashattan Residential and Commercial Center, Turkey Case Study 2020.11.09
120 iPECS – anywhere, anytime Multimedia 2020.11.04
119 [Corporate] IPECS UCP solution – Officeline, Greece Case Study 2020.11.04

iPECS ONE introduction video


iPECS Cloud Brochure

Brochure / Datasheet

iPECS ONE Datasheet

Brochure / Datasheet

1080i quick installation guide

Phone Manual

1048idss quick installation guide

Phone Manual

iPECS IPCR Datasheet

Brochure / Datasheet

[Corporate] iPECS UCM solution – Chongging BOE Display Technologies, China

Case Study

[Apartment] iPECS UCP solution – Mashattan Residential and Commercial Center, Turkey

Case Study

iPECS – anywhere, anytime


[Corporate] IPECS UCP solution – Officeline, Greece

Case Study

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